Anatomy of SERPS
Note I've broken some hyperlinks below:
Recently investigated's search engine as part of an international SEO review (incorporating South Korea) for the first time. It's a major competitor to Google in that market and very different to Google. Naver show it is possible to take on Google at it's own game: it was reported on https://obaninternational .com/blog/why-google-cant-dominate-search-in-south-korea/ that in 2015 Naver had a 14% market share - now this is around 50% (in the same way that another South Korean company Samsung is taking on Apple and winning in some key sectors).
From my blink analysis (including the layout of the search results detailed below and keyword research on both Naver and Google ) it may be the case that for some professional service-related searches at least Google remains the search engine of choice as the SERPs are more relevant to the search (i.e. it's easier to find relevant businesses on the Google Business Profiles a.k.a. Map listings and in the "10 blue links" below the Map).
Here is the layout of the search results for one professional service-related search term:
1. Advertisements
2. Maps (with results displayed over a nationwide area)
3. News
4. Blogs on
5. Shopping Listings (arguably irrelevant for this search)
6. Photos
7. Related Academic Studies
8. Q&A
9. Organic Results (the closest similar results to what is known as "10 blue links" on Google)
10. Advertisements