SEO in 2025

   SEO work in 2024 may have included reporting competitors' violations of search engine guidelines e.g.  paid & sponsored links for "ten blue link" results and Google My Business name spam / ineligible listings to GOOG , Bing etc.

   SEO work in 2025 may also include reporting the following to GOOG:

1. competitors' "low quality (review) content" - reporting issues such as this is done via the Search Quality User report

2. competitors' paid links to citations in Google AI Overviews

3. parasite hosted spam citations "from sources around the web" created by competitors (or their SEO agency) used in some Google Knowledge Graph list results

4. other legal forms of "negative SEO"

SEO work in 2025 may also include reporting parasite hosted (blog) spam content used in these Google AI Overview & Knowledge Graph citations to the (blog) host... 

Google Search Quality User report screenshot