How UK / IRL consumers research / shop for (Xmas) gifts, flowers and greetings (infographic)
Post date: Dec 6, 2014 10:25:12 AM
Link to above infographic:
According to the Google Consumer Barometer in 2012, 25% of UK consumers researched for (Christmas & Birthday gifts, flowers and greeting cards purely online! It was still not as high as the number of consumers who researched their purchases offline only (35%) or not at all (30%) but it was still a significant percentage. This 25% are not going to do their research on the high street nor from paper catalogues. 22% of UK customers made their purchase of gifts, flowers or greeting cards online, compared to the 78% who purchased offline. This research was from IAB Europe (in partnership with TNS Infratest and in 2012. Data from 2013 and 2014 is not currently publicly available for the “gifts, flowers and greeting cards” card category at time of writing.
It is worth noting that 9% of people who purchased these products online in the UK in 2012 researched offline only. Retailer need to be aware of the practice known as “showrooming” – visiting stores to inspect what they might like to purchase and then make the purchase online at the best rate.
In 2014 TNS research commissioned by Google found that of 18 European countries surveyed, the United Kingdom has the highest percentage of people makinga monthly purchase on their smartphones, with 32%. reports that the proportion of UK adults with a smartphone rose from 51% in the first three months of 2013 to 61% in the same period in 2014. A rise of around 20% in one year!
In short, the fast rise of the mobile internet is the main (SEO) challenge facing online and offline (only) retailers. People want to research & buy your products online as well as on the high street, via paper catalogues etc.
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