Google data on Research and Purchase of Leisure Stays in Hotels by UK Consumers

Post date: Jan 5, 2015 10:20:29 AM

Base: UK Internet users | Answering based on a recent purchase of a Leisure Stay in a Hotel.

Total Respondents: 314

Source: The Consumer Barometer Survey 2014 – . Surveys were administered by TNS Infratest on behalf of Google.

1. In what ways was the Internet involved in people's recent purchases?

Became aware of product / offer online


Purchased online


Researched online


2. How did people first hear about the product / offer they bought?

3. How did people first hear about the product / offer during product research?

4. When did the research process start?

5. Why did people purchase?

6. How many brands were considered before purchase?

7. Did people do any online or offline research prior to their recent purchase?

8. What offline sources did people use to make a purchase decision?

9. What online sources did people use to make a purchase decision?

10. Did people use search engines for their last purchase?

Search engine used


Search engine not used


11. How did people use the Internet to help make their purchase decision?

12. In which part(s) of the purchase process did people use the Internet?

13. Which devices did people use for product research?

14. What combinations of devices did people use to research their purchase?

15. What kind of product research did people do on their smartphones?

Sought opinions / reviews / advice online via smartphone


Watched relevant videos online on smartphone


16. Where did people make their purchase?

17. Where did people make their purchase?

18. Where specifically did people make their online purchase?

Hotel / hotel chain


Price comparison site




19. Which devices did people use to make their purchase?

20. What percentage of purchases were driven by online influences?

Purchased online


Researched online before purchasing offline


Online did not influence purchase


21. How did people who researched offline complete their product purchase?

22. How did people who researched online complete their product purchase?

23. What did people do online after completing their purchase?